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Millie to Wolfwood
You carry a cross full of mercy,
You love God’s grace that can give courtesy.
Missing you so much gives me such pain.
Yet I still feel you here that does not drive me insane.
You still speak to me in spirit,
And I’ll never forget you, I’ll never forget it.
You are really there I can feel you.
You will be in my heart no matter what,
And I love you too.
Snow (Trigun) by *TheLadyFox on
I. Even without a shirt on,
it is warm
He stands by the window
and in the light of the moons
the sand looks almost silver.
If he had ever seen snow
It might have reminded him
of it just a little.
As it is, he has only
heard the legends.
It was cold they said, and soft
And white
whiter than bones
whiter than milk
whiter than anything you'd ever seen.
And it made everything clean
they said.
How would that be?
He lets out a slow stream of smoke
from his cigarette
and folds his arms across his chest
blocking out fairy tales.
Looking at the woman in his bed though
smiling in her sleep
he thinks maybe he doesn't need snow.
He stands outside
even though the setting sun
is blinding
as it paints blood across the sky
the color of his coat.
He stands there
trying not to see the trail of blood
left in the street.
He stands there because he can't
face the crying.
It reaches him even out here,
a mourning wail
He tries to think of anything else
tries not to notice the blood
and his mind casting around
fixes on snow.
It is strange.
He had seen pictures of it
Rem had shown him,
told him about it
how it was cold
how it fell from the sky
how when it fell on your face
it felt like tiny kisses
and when you danced in it,
you disappeared.
Rem had said that snow
was quiet
that heavy snow muffled everything
it became a void of sound
as it fell, covering everything
earth, houses,
Rem had said people could die in it too
becoming so cold they went numb
falling asleep in a big white blanket.
He felt it then
inside of himself
first cold
then numbness
the snow falling slowly
packing down inside of him
perfect, silent, and cold.
Author's Comments
A poem inspired by episode 23 of Trigun, and an early morning snowfall I got caught in on the way to school.
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Millie to Wolfwood
Snow (Trigun) by *TheLadyFox on
Millie to Wolfwood
Snow (Trigun) by *TheLadyFox on