Естественно, стырено. И не буду я этого переводить. И плакать не буду. Мужыки не плачут!
The Ghost [Trigun] by *TheLadyFox on deviantART
The Ghost
A wind stirs the curtains
though the air has hung stiff
unmoving, all day.
"The ghost!" the children cry
"It's the ghost!"
and they run to where
'big sis' sits in her big chair
mending their clothes.
"Sister sister! The ghost is back!"
they sing, as they dance around her.
It has been a year since she arrived
here in the middle of nowhere
with her small savings
and a big white-cloth-wrapped cross.
And the children say
the ghost came with her.
They see the ghost in little accidents that happen
(a dropped, broken dish)
little accidents that don't happen
(a snake missing its mark)
and in a breeze on an otherwise
still day.
She explained when she came
that 'big brother'
would not be coming back.
The children took her in his place,
and she loves them, these children
with no one and no place else.
She never had little brothers and sisters.
She plays with them, and laughs
kisses their scrapes and bruises
and when there are tears
she holds them in her lap
in her big chair
rocking patiently until they are dry.
At night she tucks them into bed, and tells them stories
like her older bothers and sisters once did for her.
The children adore her
and she knows she belongs here
and is, for the most part,
Sometimes, she imagines
she can feel the ghost watching her.
She shakes her head at the children
and sends them out to play.
A breeze is just a breeze.
Even so,
she looks out the window, with the now still
and smiles.
Author's Comments
Not much to say except that I was really touched by Wolfwood and Milly's relationship... they really were so good for each other. This poem contains spoilers for episode 23, as well as what I think might happen after the end of
the series.
For the record, I find Milly very difficult to write. She's just such a paradoxical character, in that she is so childlike, and yet so wise at the same time. I don't think I have ever actually seen her captured well in writing yet.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood,
Milly Thompson,
Переведите, пожалуйста, кто-нибудь этот стих. А то я не понимаю, почему все так расстроились, только общий смысл уловила.
И вообще с английским я немножко не дружу.Или как-то так... Согласна, Милли могла действительно вернуться в тот приют и стать хорошей воспитательницей для детей. Но... как-то грустно оно все... Знаете ли.
Хороший стих, хороший вариант развития событий. Мне после просмотра аниме казалось, что Милли как раз так и поступит - отыщет тот самый приют и будет заботиться о детях.
П.с. давно хотела сказать: очень нравятся твои новые аватарки, мисс Кимпейл! ^ - ^